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Temporal Distributions
for 6-, 12-, 24- and 96-hour Durations

  Alaska California
(Click on the map to display the temporal distribution areas for each Volume.)

Temporal distributions of precipitation amounts exceeding precipitation frequency estimates for the 2-year average recurrence interval are provided for 6-, 12-, 24-, and 96-hour durations. The temporal distributions are expressed in probability terms as cumulative percentages of precipitation totals at various time steps. To provide detailed information on the varying temporal distributions, separate temporal distributions were also derived for four precipitation cases defined by the duration quartile in which the greatest percentage of the total precipitation occurred. Unique temporal distributions were derived for each temporal distribution area, which were delineated based on selected extreme precipitation characteristics (see documentation for more details).


Temporal distributions for 6-, 12-, 24- and 96-hour durations can be downloaded as comma-delimited files for each temporal distribution area:

Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):
Temporal distribution area (see map above):


Shapefiles for temporal distribution areas for each Volume, except for Volume 5: Selected Pacific Islands, are available for download via following links:
     Volume 1: Semiarid Southwest
     Volume 2: Ohio River Basin and Surrounding States
     Volume 3: Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
     Volume 4: Hawaiian Islands
     Volume 5: Selected Pacific Islands (shapefiles not available)
     Volume 6: California
     Volume 7: Alaska
     Volume 8: Midwestern States
     Volume 9: Southeastern States
     Volume 10: Northeastern States
     Volume 11: Texas
     Volume 12: Interior Northwest

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Page Author: HDSC webmaster
Page last modified: November 10th, 2022
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