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NOAA Atlas 14 Precipitation Frequency Estimates
in GIS Compatible Format

This web page provides access to NOAA Atlas 14 precipitation frequency estimates with upper and lower bounds of the 90% confidence interval in GIS compatible format. Please note that the precipitation frequency estimates for each volume of NOAA Atlas 14 were computed independently using all available data at the time. Some discrepancies between volumes at project boundaries are inevitable and they will generally be more pronounced for rarer frequencies.


To display and interpret the data, two separate files are needed:
  1. File with zipped ASCII grids - This file contains the final, spatially interpolated, high-resolution NOAA Atlas 14 precipitation frequency estimates with confidence limits, and is the basis for the PFDS interface results.

  2. Grid metadata file - This file contains information on projection, grid resolution, precipitation units, and other details relevant to data shown in ASCII grid files. The grid metadata file is in the XML format and is automatically downloaded with zipped ASCII grids. The grid metadata file can also be viewed and downloaded separately below (left-click to view, right-click/Save As to download):
         Volume 1: Semiarid Southwest (sw)
         Volume 2: Ohio River Basin and Surrounding States (orb)
         Volume 3: Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (pr)
         Volume 4: Hawaiian Islands (hi)
         Volume 5: Selected Pacific Islands - click to see sub regions
  3.      Volume 6: California (sw)
         Volume 7: Alaska (ak)
         Volume 8: Midwestern States (mw)
         Volume 9: Southeastern States (se)
         Volume 10: Northeastern States (ne)
         Volume 11: Texas (tx)
         Volume 12: Interior Northwest (inw)

The files either can be downloaded 1) via pull-down menu, 2) by https via web browser. To obtain precipitation frequency estimates without downloading files, please visit the PFDS interface.

1) Via pull-down menu:

2) Via web browser: alternatively you can peruse the https directory via a browser.

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Page Author: HDSC webmaster
Page last modified: November 10th, 2022
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