require(ncdf4) ## Query data at a single Latitude/Longitude # This script reads an OPeNDAP dataset and returns precipitation frequency # estimates for all durations and average recurrence intervals for a # specific latitude / longitude pair. ## Start with some basic input information # Save the URL string into an R string variable # If you are using Windows, you will need to download / use the .nc locally # remote reading via OPeNDAP does not work by default in Windows without # heavy modification. opendap_url <- '' # Open a connection to the dataset dataset <- nc_open(opendap_url) ## # Give the location's station ID for plot labeling purposes Id <- '01-8380' # Give a Latitude / Longitude Latitude <- 33.2119 Longitude <- -87.6161 ## Display some general information about the OPeNDAP dataset dataset ## Get information about the variables / attributes in the OPeNDAP dataset ## Now query the axes data (lat, lon, ari) # Read the average recurrence interval into an R variable ari <- ncvar_get(dataset,'ari') # Read the longitudes into an R variable lon <- ncvar_get(dataset,'lon') # Read the latitudes into an R variable lat <- ncvar_get(dataset,'lat') # create a duration variable from the information we saw about variables earlier dur <- dur <- c(1,2,3,6,12,24,48,72,96,168) ## Subset the precipitation frequency data # Calculate the minimum latitude in the grid minLat <- min(lat) # Calculate the minimum longitude in the grid minLon <- min(lon) # Calculate the spacing between grid points. cellSize <- mean(diff(lat)) ## # Find the index for the specific latitude we want pRow <- round((Latitude - minLat)/cellSize) + 1 # Find the index for the specific longitude we want pCol <- round((Longitude - minLon)/cellSize) + 1 ## # Read a subset of the precipitation frequency data for our pRow and pCol # for all durations and recurrence intervals. The size of the precipitation # variable (as seen in the early information queries) is: # 9 x 7081 x 3121 # ari x lon x lat # This reading could be done in a loop instead, but I chose to keep this # As separate lines for easier reading. precip <- matrix(data=NA,nrow=10,ncol=length(ari)) # Read 1-hour precip[1,] <- ncvar_get(dataset,'pf_001_hr', c(1, pCol, pRow), c(length(ari), 1, 1)) # Read 2-hour precip[2,] <- ncvar_get(dataset,'pf_002_hr', c(1, pCol, pRow), c(length(ari), 1, 1)) # Read 3-hour precip[3,] <- ncvar_get(dataset,'pf_003_hr', c(1, pCol, pRow), c(length(ari), 1, 1)) # Read 6-hour precip[4,] <- ncvar_get(dataset,'pf_006_hr', c(1, pCol, pRow), c(length(ari), 1, 1)) # Read 12-hour precip[5,] <- ncvar_get(dataset,'pf_012_hr', c(1, pCol, pRow), c(length(ari), 1, 1)) # Read 24-hour precip[6,] <- ncvar_get(dataset,'pf_024_hr', c(1, pCol, pRow), c(length(ari), 1, 1)) # Read 48-hour precip[7,] <- ncvar_get(dataset,'pf_048_hr', c(1, pCol, pRow), c(length(ari), 1, 1)) # Read 72-hour precip[8,] <- ncvar_get(dataset,'pf_072_hr', c(1, pCol, pRow), c(length(ari), 1, 1)) # Read 96-hour precip[9,] <- ncvar_get(dataset,'pf_096_hr', c(1, pCol, pRow), c(length(ari), 1, 1)) # Read 168-hour precip[10,] <- ncvar_get(dataset,'pf_168_hr', c(1, pCol, pRow), c(length(ari), 1, 1)) ## # Each row above signifies a value for a different duration (dur variable). # Each column above signifies a value for a different average recurrence # interval (ari variable). ## Plot the data matplot(ari,t(precip), type="l", col = rainbow(ncol(t(precip))), lty=1, main=sprintf("Depth-Duration-Frequency Curves for\nLat : %.4f\tLon : %.4f",Latitude,Longitude), xlab="Average Recurrence Interval (Years)", ylab="Precipitation (inches)", log="x") # Create legend legend(2, max(precip), sprintf("%d-hour",dur),col = rainbow(ncol(t(precip))), lty=c(1,1), lwd=c(2,2)) nc_close(dataset)